Friday, April 25, 2008

the belly of the whale

In Joseph Campbell's "Hero With A Thousand Faces" he talks about the hero, any hero, sitting on the beach, or on a boat, waiting to fling himself into the mouth of the whale, or sea monster, whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Once in side the belly of the whale you are presented with absolute knowing and clarity. In the belly of the whale you can see all things, mountains, rivers, valleys, your future, your past.

Diving into the monster grants you access to beauty within yourself.
Maybe this is why we look for trouble as human beings. Hoping to find some clarity in these frightening situations.


Anonymous said...

Yes, much beauty comes from the unknown. To be unique is to take leaps into the unknown, battling monsters and realizing some of these monsters are your friends and your inspiration. I find, and I try to teach, that combining unrelated elements is what makes truly original creations. It is not always fear of the unknown but often a disinterest in the unknown.

SarahSeeb said...

I agree with what John is saying. Its almost like facing your fears and learning from them gives you a new found clarity!